Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Estimated time to complete: 3 minutes

You missed {{totalInvalidFields}} fields. They have been highlighted in red You missed 1 field. It has been highlighted in red
ScoresMatter features you can access with your account ScoresMatter has proudly served over 200,000 customers

Credit report and score, plus alerts when any new information appears

Free postcode lookup for all registered members. (Scan the dark web)

Eligibility support for loans & insight on how to improve your chances of being approved in the future

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Monitor the Dark Web to see if your personal and financial data is at risk of being used for identity fraud

256 bit security site-wide. Your privacy is our priority!

First Name {{gb.finalErrorMessages.required}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.minimum2char}} Last Name {{gb.finalErrorMessages.required}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.minimum2char}} Email {{gb.finalErrorMessages.required}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.emailInvalid}}

Estimated time to complete: 2 minutes

You missed {{totalInvalidFields}} fields. They have been highlighted in red You missed 1 field. It has been highlighted in red
ScoresMatter features you can access with your account ScoresMatter proudly served our 200,000 customers

Credit report and score, plus alerts when any new information appears

Free postcode lookup for all registered members. (Scan the dark web)

Eligibility support for loans & insight on how to improve your chances of being approved in the future

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Monitor the Dark Web to see if your personal and financial data is at risk of being used for identity fraud

256 bit security site-wide. Your privacy is our priority!

Post Code {{gb.finalErrorMessages.required}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.postCodeInvalid}}
Address {{gb.finalErrorMessages.required}}
House Name | No {{gb.finalErrorMessages.required}} Invalid House Name Town {{gb.finalErrorMessages.required}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.minimum3char}} County {{gb.finalErrorMessages.required}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.minimum3char}}
Its looks like you recently registered with us. We're working on your application and we'll email you as soon as its completed.

Final step - full access granted immediately upon activation

Congratulations. Registration Complete.

You missed {{totalInvalidFieldsSecondForm}} fields. They have been highlighted in red You missed 1 field. It has been highlighted in red
Your ScoresMatter Offer Your Full Access ScoresMatter Offer:
10 day unlimited access
10 day free trial
Credit score reporting
Loan affordability tool
Dark web scanning
Total billed today
Monthly price just
Monthly price after trial
Card Number {{gb.finalErrorMessages.required}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.enterVisaOrMasterCardNumber}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.cardNumberLuhnFailed}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.cardNumberNotReal}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.cardNumberDecline}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.cardInvalid}}
Card Expiry Date {{gb.finalErrorMessages.required}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.expiryNotValid}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.cardExpireInvalid}}
CVC Number {{gb.finalErrorMessages.required}} {{gb.finalErrorMessages.cv2Invalid}} Please enter only 3 digits. {{gb.finalErrorMessages.CVVInvalid}}
Card Holder's Name {{gb.finalErrorMessages.required}}
Thank you for signing up!
You will receive confirmation via email. If you do not receive this email in the next 2 hours please contact us.
  • This email will contain your password.
  • Your username is in the email as well.
  • Please record your username and make sure you change your password when you first log in.
  • The description 'ScoresMatter' will appear on your statement.
We’re sorry
Your card was declined.
You either entered your card and billing address information incorrectly (for your protection we verify the exact billing address and postcode and require that it matches the card provided) or you have recently cancelled our service.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Your card will not be charged.
Customer Exists
You are already a customer of ScoresMatter. Click here to sign in.
If you have forgotten your password you can reset it here.
Please contact us if you have additional questions.

We offer FREE access for the duration of your 10-day trial to ScoresMatter. Monthly fee of £{{gb.pp.amount}} applies thereafter until you cancel. You can always cancel your subscription without any hassle. It takes just one click and is a free and fast process.
